Chia Seeds

Discover nutrition information on the latest health foods to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

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Nature’s Superfood

Chia seeds, which were one of the oldest energy sources for the ancient people of Mexico, also served for medicinal purposes and as offerings to the gods. After being ignored for centuries, these seeds have drawn the attention of nutrtitionists worldwide due to their high content of omega-3 fats. But their nutritional benefits include more than just that:their high level of "good fats" can rebalance the lack of omega-6 and omega-3 in our modern diets. This excellent ratio between these two types of omega fats promotes cardiovascular health and prevetns blood lipid disorders. Chia seeds also include an impressive amount of protein, rivaling the content of seafood or cheese. You can find Chia seeds online here

Dukan Nutrition Zoom

alt I. Chia Seed Presentation

alt II. Nutritional Composition for 100 g