Dukan Diet Plan

The revolutionary weight loss plan has taken the world by storm! Our 4 Phase diet gives you 2 steps to lose the weight and 2 steps to keep it off forever! This is healthy eating where you eat "as much as you like" of 100 foods - no starvation and no frustration.

Dossier du mois - Eté, vacances : bien manger pour rester mince et mieux bronzer

Slimming Secrets

Daily tips to help you lose weight

Summer holidays: Eating well to stay slim and bronzed in the sun.

What should you eat to manage your weight better and to avoid the typical summer pitfalls?

What foods will actually help protect your skin in the sun?

Slimming Secrets of Pierre Dukan

I – A light but tasty summer

Letting go during the holidays?

Even if the holidays go hand in hand with fun and happiness, they can easily get out of hand in terms of dieting. Ice cream, pizza, appetizers, sausages? Fortunately you can opt for our Dukan options that are light but still so decadent and tasty that you won’t miss a thing!

Stay focused on the 100 allowed foods.

Break out the barbeques and enjoy ‘low fat’ meats such as fish, poultry, red meat, as well as vegetables, and grilled fruits in ‘papillote’ (if you are in the consolidation phase). You can go wild with the preparation, just watch out with the seasonings.

Try Konjac

Konjac is the new slimming ally that works as a starch! Try the various formats available on our e-shop.

You can also drink calorie-free bubbly drinks with ice or sparkling water with a splash of lemon and mint leaves.

To start your day off right, try an iced coffee with skimmed milk. It will have a refreshing effect guaranteed!

II – Eat well to have healthy bronzed skin

The secret to tan skin that lasts: Fuel up on antioxidants!

A) The sun tends to accelerate skin aging. To limit this phenomenon, consider consuming vitamins A, B,C and E.

Vitamin A can be found in egg yolks, liver (calf and poultry), cheese (go for the lighter versions compatible with the Dukan Diet).

Beta carotene (vitamin B) is found in carrots, spinach and watercress. For the consolidation phase, you can expand the range and also consume fruits such as mango, apricot and melon.

Vitamin C is found in red peppers and cabbage and in consolidation you can consume kiwis, oranges, strawberries and red berries.

Vitamin E, a fat soluble, can be found in walnut oil (1 tablespoon used in the Cruise phase) and certain fresh vegetables.

B) Lycopene and selenium to protect the skin

Another anti-aging element is selenium. Found in shellfish, seafood and chicken, there is no reason to deprive yourself from this element.
Lycopene is essentially found in tomatoes and will help prevent sunburn.

Did you know?

Goji berries are full of antioxidants

C) Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.

Remember to stay hydrated by drinking small sips of water throughout the day. Staying hydrated and draining your body of toxins will be your secret weapon for summer.

III – Boost your metabolism by practicing a daily physical activity

Don’t spend your entire day lounging on the beach! Try taking a few moments out of your day to move.

Right after getting out of bed, do a few stretches and leg movements to wake up your body.

After a light lunch, walk around and discover your holiday destination, it’s the best way to take advantage of your surroundings and enjoy the experience to the fullest.

Afternoon at the beach: enjoy the pool or the sea by jumping in and moving your legs around to reactive blood circulation.

-At the end of the day after your shower: take a walk which will build up your appetite!

Now that you are armed with these tips you are finally ready to go on holiday in tranquility: weight loss and tanning are on the program. Don’t forget to sign up for our personal coaching to help keep you on track with your weight loss goals.